Volunteer Profile: Jackson Staal

August 30, 2024  |  by Aaliyah Cardenas   |  


I Am For NYC Volunteer Spotlight (24)

Volunteer Profile: Jackson Staal

Jackson Staal volunteers regularly at our Community Kitchen & Food Pantry for Community Meal Service. Since Jackson began serving with us in May, he has served over 45 hours!   


Why is Food Bank’s mission important to you?

Being a born and raised New Yorker, I have unfortunately witnessed firsthand the food insecurity that too many face in this great city. Anyone walking outside can almost immediately find someone struggling to make ends meet for their next meal. This is why Food Bank For New York City is such a critical organization to fill the gap of so many New Yorkers struggling for basic necessities like food. With all the city has afforded me in terms of wonderful experiences and opportunities, I feel responsible to give back and try to help those less fortunate who call NYC their home as well. 


What was your most memorable moment while serving with Food Bank?

My most memorable moment happens every time I volunteer, and it is getting to see the relief and gratitude in the faces of all the clients who come into the pantry. It is truly a humbling and rewarding experience to see first hand the impact that you can make on so many people’s lives. One moment in particular that comes to mind was my interaction with a family of 4 that comes in every day when hot meals are served. They are extremely considerate and grateful every time, and one day we had extra bananas lying around, so I gave the father a bunch. His eyes lit up and he profusely thanked me. I could see the relief and positivity from that moment we shared. I will never forget how my small gesture could make a world of difference to someone else. 


Tell us about a meal that is special to you and your family.

One meal that is extra special to me and my family is the breakfasts my Dad makes on weekends. It is the simple breakfast meal of eggs, cheese, toast, and coffee, but it is a tradition every weekend that my Dad will get up early and cook for us and we will all eat together at the kitchen table. It is always nice to have those moments on weekend mornings where we can talk, reconnect from the busy week and enjoy a hearty breakfast together! 


Who inspires you to serve?

The reason I am excited and inspired to keep coming back week after week truly comes from the staff of the pantry. It is an unbelievably positive and tight-knit community where every member is only focused on trying to make the lives of others dealing with food insecurity better in any way they can. Everyone is always smiling and working hard, no matter the circumstances. It is unbelievably inspiring that I get to witness such amazing people carry out the work they love and I feel lucky to even be a part of this organization with them. 


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