Volunteer Profile: Lee Brown

August 11, 2022  |  by Aaliyah Cardenas   |  2 min read


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Volunteer Profile: Lee Brown

Lee Brown (pictured left) is a longtime Food Bank volunteer and has served over 1,000 hours with us. Lee is a familiar face at our Community Kitchen & Food Pantry and we were thrilled to recently welcome him back to in-person volunteering after a two-year pause! 

Why is Food Bank’s mission important to you?

"Food Bank helps a lot of people in the community that are going through hard times. Sometimes it's not just food, but other things like helping enroll in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps). They also have programming for seniors as well."


What was your most memorable moment while serving with Food Bank?

"When the NFL players from the New York Jets and Giants came to the Community Kitchen to give out turkeys and hams to the community. "


Tell us about a meal that is special to you and your family.

"The Thanksgiving meal or the holiday when they have a special guest."


Who inspires you to serve?

"The staff here are great and, no matter what, always have smiles on their faces. That’s what inspires me to serve."

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