Food Bank For New York City Blog

Food Bank Marches at 2023 NYC Pride Parade

Written by Ashley Faber | July 20, 2023

On Sunday, June 25, Food Bank For New York City marched in the annual New York City Pride Parade with a powerful contingent of volunteers, supporters, donors, and staff.  Our theme for this year’s Pride Month campaign was “Food is a Powerful Ally,” reflecting how we strive to uplift those in need through food. 

Food Bank For New York City gears up to march in the 2023 Pride Parade with a themed banner.

Parade participants handed out branded giveaway items to excited onlookers, including fans, lip balms, trail mix, and colorful sunglasses. They were met with contagious smiles as they marched onward. Ty Milburn, Director of Influencer Marketing at Food Bank, felt grateful to witness and contribute to the event’s meaningful emotional impact. 

“This was my first time walking in a Pride event and the experience was amazing,” Milburn said. “For me, the big takeaway was that this was an event where everyone wanted to spread love. It's a great day any time you can tell someone, ‘We see you and we love you just the way you are.’” 

Food Bank Director of Influencer Marketing Ty Milburn smiles at the camera during the march.

We were joined by dozens of representatives from Food Bank member agencies that serve LGBTQ+ New Yorkers, including Make the Road NY, Safe Horizon, and GMHC. Giaura Fenris, TGNCIQ+ Health Advocate with Make The Road NY, was excited to march with Food Bank:

It was an honor to be in person to represent the collaboration between Food Bank and Make the Road NY in the campaign 'Food is a Powerful Ally' that TGNCIQ+ members of Make the Road NY got to participate in through photography and videos. It was beautiful to carry the fans in the March that had images of our community members and the message of providing food to our most vulnerable and marginalized communities. Walking in the March felt exhilarating, expansive, a good workout, and a high like no other. Sharing the resources and engaging the crowd was such a rush of energy and it felt like our message was heard.

Other organization representatives were compelled and inspired to join Food Bank during the Pride March, including Carrington Baker, CEO and Founder of For Women by Women, Period. “[Everyone] was happy to be marching with Food Bank, grateful and appreciative of our support,” Milburn said. “We in turn were thrilled to be with them, affirming them with our allyship.” 

Representatives from For Women By Women, Period marched alongside Food Bank in the parade.

In advance of the parade, Food Bank spent the month fundraising as part of the annual Pride Month Campaign. As a result, Food Bank raised nearly 19,000 meals for our neighbors in need.  

Food Bank Government Relations summer intern Kailey Costa passes out branded fans to parade onlookers.

For more information on how we serve one in five LGBTQ+ New Yorkers facing food insecurity, visit this page. Also, consider making a donation today so we can continue to support our LGBTQ+ neighbors beyond Pride Month. 

Participants joyfully march with the banner and balloons spelling "FEED ALL" through Stonewall Place.

For more scenes from the march, check out our photo gallery. All photos provided by Kreg Holt.