Food Bank For New York City Blog

Food Unites at Brooklyn Pride

Written by Maggie Prendergast | June 10, 2024

Food Bank For New York City joined the festivities at Brooklyn Pride this June to celebrate our LGBTQ+ neighbors, clients, and supporters. And it was a huge success!  

Fifth Avenue in Brooklyn was packed for Pride. 

Our Food Bank booth was the place to be. Revelers stopped by to learn more about our work and mission, sign up to volunteer, and even inquire about SNAP eligibility. The best part? If they qualified, they could get enrolled in SNAP benefits right then and there! 

 Food Bank's Pride booth was the place to be!

But that's not all – our amazing partners at Farmacy Beauty hooked us up with some seriously cool clean beauty essentials: Green Defense sunscreen, Mango Smoothie lip balm, and Deep Sweep Toner so folks could enjoy some self-care during this special month.  

Farmacy Products included lip balm, toner, and sunscreen.

SPF was essential on this sunny June day. 

SWAG included fans, stickers, temporary tattoos, Farmacy beauty products, sunglasses, and pens.

Throughout the day, hundreds of New Yorkers stopped by our tent, many of whom were already part of the Food Bank family – donors, volunteers, supporters, and clients. It warmed our hearts to connect with so many amazing folks! 

We are proud to support New York's LGBTQIA+ community. 

We believe FOOD UNITES at Food Bank For New York City. 

One particularly memorable woman named Colleen joyfully stepped up to our table in a colorful Bi-pride shirt and shared "A few years ago when I lost my job, Food Bank saved my ass. Where can I donate?" We laughed, teared up, and shook hands before she dove back into the crush of folks grooving down 5th Ave.  

 We want to thank all our visitors who stopped by to learn more about our mission and sign up to volunteer with us. 

We also want to give a huge shoutout to the nearly 200 people who signed up to volunteer and the hundreds more who took the time to learn about our mission. You all rock! 

We thank everyone who signed up to volunteer with us!

Pride is a time to celebrate our LGBTQ+ neighbors, and we are so proud of the partnerships we've fostered to truly support our fellow New Yorkers in need. But we also know that there's still work to be done. Did you know that 1 in 5 LGBTQ+ New York residents struggle with food insecurity? That's a reality we're working hard to change. Find out more about our approach here and check out some of the LGBTQ-serving organizations to whom we provide food and other essential resources: 

At Food Bank, we believe that FOOD UNITES us all and we welcome you to join us in our mission to empower every New Yorker to achieve food security for good.  

See the action here:


The Food Bank booth was the place to be!

FOOD UNITES New Yorkers.

Happy Pride, Y’all! To learn more visit